A Departmental Letter is drafted for several possible cases:
- by the ad hoc committee appointed by the Chair for each merit and promotional case.
- by the faculty who sponsors a junior specialist or assistant specialist on renewal.
The departmental letter for ladder-ranked faculty should follow a template as shown below. The letter for adjunct faculty can also use the similar template. The letter should be formatted using "Letterhead for Interdepartmental Use" (21KB docx file)
Note that a mid-career letter (for an Assistant Professor) is a special case that covers the period from the starting date (rather than since the end of the last review period). A promotion letter covers the period from the period from the last successful promotion or the hiring date, whichever is more recent.
The letter usually looks like this: (replace the underlined part with your own)
Administrative Confidential
Month day, year
Enrique Lavernia
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Via: Gregory W. Washington
Dean, The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Via: H. Kumar Wickaramsinghe
Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
From: Personal Action Ad Hoc Committee
Re: Professor Peter Z. Anteater
Period of Performance: October 1, year to September 30, year
Merit Increase/Promotion/Mid-Career Appraisal from Assistant/Associate/xxx Professor Step sss to Assistant/Associate/xxx Professor Step ttt, Effective July 1, year
This letter reviews the performance of Professor Peter Z. Anteater for the period of October 1, yyyy to September 30, yyyy. In view of significant contributions to high-impact research, dedicated teaching, and extensive service, the faculty of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science strongly recommends the merit increase/promotion of Professor Anteater from Rank Professor Step sss to Rank Professor Step ttt.
1. Research
Dr. Anteater has been an active, highly visible researcher in the areas of AAA, with an emphasis on BBB and CCC.
1.1 BBB
1.2 CCC
1.3 Publications and Scholarly Work
1.4 Funding Statistics
2. Teaching
During the review period, Dr. Anteater has taught nnn regular courses, uuu at the undergraduate and ggg at the graduate level. ccc were core courses. The teaching evaluations for all these classes are shown in the following Table.
Quarter |
Course |
Responses/ |
Instructor/ |
Course/ |
S'16 |
EECS 123 |
12/34 |
3.45 / 3.82 |
3.67 / 3.80 |
W'16 |
EECS 456 |
56/78 |
3.12 / 3.39 |
3.24 / 3.23 |
F'15 |
EECS 789 |
90/123 |
3.78 / 3.79 |
3.80 / 3.79 |
S'15 |
EECS 098 |
45/67 |
3.45 / 3.67 |
3.42 / 3.68 |
W'15 |
EECS 765 |
89/102 |
3.21 / 3.60 |
3.42 / 3.56 |
F'14 |
EECS 432 |
34/56 |
3.50 / 3.74 |
3.70 / 3.78 |
Note: the Department Average score for the instruction and for the course can be found at http://casa.eng.uci.edu/ (need to use VPN if accessing from outside UCI) and going to Assessment/Accreditation > Instructor Evaluation > Term Evaluation Summary Report. The scores are from Questions #12 (instructor) and #13 (course). They are divided into Reqd (required undergraduate courses), Elect (elective undergrad courses), and Grad (graduate). Here is an example screenshot from the CASA page:
3. Service
4. Summary