News and announcements

In Memoriam of Tomás Lang

by Scott Jordan

Tomás Lang, Professor Emeritus of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, passed away April 7, 2018.

Hult Prize Case Competition Meet

The Association of Energy Engineers at UCI is co-hosting a case competition event with the Paul Merage School of Business. Come if you are interested in collaborating on an energy challenge. There is no obligation to join a team officially, but feel free to offer your help as a consultant! Find others that are interested in similar topics of energy, including business students and other engineering undergraduate and graduate students.

Hult Prize Case Competition Kickoff & Mixer

First Announcement for IRES at CERN 2018

Attached, please find the first announcement for the 2018 version of the International Research Experiences for Students (IRES) at CERN program, which each Summer supports 6 undergraduates in an internship and training experience at CERN, in Geneva, Switzerland.  Potential candidates will have finished their junior or senior year by Summer 2018, with majors in physics, electrical or mechanical engineering, or computer science.  You will notice that the dates of the 9-week program are tentative, awaiting confirmation from CERN, and that the application period opens on 1 November 2017, and cl

EECS Individual Study: CalPlug Load Research Center

Come join us at the California Plug Load Research Center, the first energy
efficiency center in California dedicated to plug-in appliances and
electronics. CalPlug received over $1 million from the California Energy
Commission’s Public Interest Energy Research program to further its
research efforts. We offer great opportunities for young clean-tech minds
to work in a highly interdisciplinary environment for scholarship,
research and industry experience. The individual study positions available

Multidisciplinary Design Program

You are invited to participate in the Seventh Annual Multidisciplinary Design Program (MDP). A collaboration between the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) and the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP).

Read full article here

UAV Forge 2017-18 Recruitment

From: Ariel Louie

Dear EECS students,

The multidisciplinary engineering senior design project UAV Forge is recruiting new talent for 2017-2018! All positions are available for registration! An information session will be held on Week 0, Friday September 29 at DBH 1200.  Here is our recruitment flyer:

Jafarkhani Elected to U. of Maryland Innovation Hall of Fame

July 31, 2017 - Hamid jafarkhani, Samueli School Chancellor’s Professor of electrical engineering and computer science, earned his doctorate in 1997 from the University of Maryland’s A. James Clark School of Engineering. This year, a committee of experts at his alma mater unanimously selected him the sole 2017 inductee into its School of enginering Innovation Hall of Fame.

Read full article here.

Water UCI two-week field studies course

Water UCI is sponsoring a two-week field studies course in summer 2017 for UCI graduate students and highly qualified upper division undergraduates. See the attached flyer and announcement below.

Mohammad Al Faruque to receive UCI 2017-8 Distinguished Assistant Professor Award for Research

The awards are given to Senate members who have achieved excellence through their activities in research, teaching and service. The Academic Senate's Distinguished Faculty Awards are selected by the Committee on Scholarly Honors and Awards.  The awards will be presented at the Faculty Senate Awards Event scheduled to take place from 4:30- 6:30p.m. on Monday, November 6, 2017 in the Newkirk Alumni Center.  


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