Quick Links
- Undergrad Forum on the EECS portal site
- Senior Projects
- Internships and job posts
Degree Programs
- Electrical Engineering (EE): Requirements, Prerequisite Flowcharts
- Computer Engineering (CpE): Requirements, Prerequisite Flowchart
- Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), jointly offered with Bren:ICS School.
- Mandatory advising sessions
- Accelerated Masters program
- Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE)
- Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)
- UCI Student Housing
- UCI Office of Financial Aid and Fellowships
- UCI Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity
- Student Organizations
- Undergraduate Coordinator: Pauline Eatherly
- Associate Chair of CpE: Pai Chou
- Associate Chair of EE: Ender Ayanoglu
- Steering Commitee Chair of CSE: Pai Chou
- CpE representative to UGSC: Mohammad Al Faruque
- Interview tips
- Should I apply for grad school or work?
- Recommendations