Welcome to EECS Department at UCI! This page contains information for visitors.
The Department of EECS is located in the Engineering Hall (EH) building, which is Building 308 on the UCI Campus Map (in H8).
You may want to check out UCI's driving directions page for how to come to UCI.
Parking is available to visitors.
The closest parking structures are (as of 2015)
- The Anteater Parking Structure (APS) -- $2/hour. If you drive an electric vehicle, you can charge here for up to 4 hours for $2.50/hour (general public), $2/hour for faculty and students.
- The CalIT2 Loading Dock (off East Peltason, next to Building 325) -- requires special permit issued by CalIT2 administrators
- U-Club (Building 801, lot 18B) -- free if you are dining at the U-Club. Be sure you register your car at the front desk.
- Lot 12A and 12B -- $2/hour.
- Dean's VIP get to park for free in the fenced area next to Engineering Gateway.
Once you get a permit at one lot, you can park at another lot, as long as it is of the same type of spot (e.g., general, reserved, etc).
Your host may also be able to reserve a parking permit for you at one of the parking kiosks by charging the fees to one of their grants.
You can get free Wi-Fi access by connecting to UCI Mobile Access, which has coverage throughout the campus. You can do a guest registration for 24 hours.
Local Attractions
There are many fun things to do at and near Irvine.
- Laguna Beach: very pretty Southern California coast
- Disneyland: about 20-25 minutes away, Anaheim
- Shopping: South Coast Plaza, Irvine Spectrum, Fashion Island
- Balboa Island
- OC Great Park