This section contains information of general interest in the department.
- History
- Facts
- Driving Directions to Department
- Office and Lab Space (2015)
- Instructional Labs (2015)
- Dept. Overview 2013 (1.9 MB PPT by Mike Green)
- About the EECS Portal (this site)
- Accreditation (undergraduate): EE (1968- present), CpE (1994-preset), CSE (2009-present)
Faculty and Staff
- Directory of senate faculty, emeriti, and adjunct
- Awards and Honors
- Staff history
- Printers, copiers, scanners, fax (Xerox WorkCentre 7855) in the business office
- Instructional Servers
- Department-licensed software packages on Sparc server
- 3D printers at FabWorks (HSSoE and CalIT2) and 3D Printing Pilot Service (UCI Library)
Software License
- Software with Site License, including
- MatLab student version, Octave, LabView, Mathematica
- SolidWorks for faculty and researchers, for student non-engineers and engineers
- AutoCad
- VMWare
Server and Cloud Based Apps
- UCI Google Apps, including
- UCI Gmail, UCI Google Docs (word processing, spreadsheet, presentation),
- Gitlab server (on Engineering, available to anyone with UCInetID)
- Online Data Storage
- WebFiles, UCI Google Drive (unlimited space for faculty).
- Website Authoring:
- General: UCI Google Sites, UCI Sites (WordPress) -- both with blogging capability
- Courses: EEE Canvas, EEE, Google Classroom
- Creating an electronic poll or survey on EEE or Google Forms
- Virtual Private Network (VPN) for off-campus access
- Recording lectures and post them online: UCI Replay or professional recording
- Campus Software License Agreements
Computing Tutorials
- Setup for newbie, including WiFi, UCInetID, Unix accounts on instructional servers
- Unix tutorial (assuming instructional server)
- Logging in to your Unix account
- Applying for an account
- Software and commands for remote login
- Unix shell
- Unix Guide
- Secure shell (SSH) public and private keys
- Logging in to your Unix account
- Text editors
- vi and vim
- emacs
- Typesetting system
- LaTeX
- BibTeX
- Useful packages: UCI Thesis Template, IEEE Transactions, ACM Journal, ACM Conference
- Programming
- Python
- C
- Java
- MatLab
- GnuPlot
- Raspberry Pi
- Arduino
- Version control
- Subversion (SVN)
- Concurrent versioning system (CVS)
- 3D modeling
- SolidWorks
- Sketchup