Get Reimbursed


For purchases under $X, you can get reimbursed for petty cash.

For purchases $X or more, you need to go through purchase order. 

In rare situations when you need to make a purchase over the petty cash limit, you will need to have an exception memo approved by the dean's office in order to get reimbursed.

You can charge your purchases to your grant when you buy from the UCI Bookstore or Computer Store.  You will need to give the name of the account's bookkeeper at the time of purchase, as well as the account number to charge to.

(To be edited by Loretta.)

Travel and Lodging

Travel can be air travel, car, or other forms.  See UCI's policy on travel.


If you travel by air, there are restrictions on the flight tickets.

  • if you want to charge to a federal grant (NSF, DARPA, NIH, DOE etc), you will need to use a U.S. carrier.  The flight itself may be code-shared with other non-US airlines, but the ticket issuer should be U.S.
  • Be sure you file your leave of absence form.  There is one form for less than 7 days, and another form for over 7 days.

Gas Mileage

You can get reimbursed for gas mileage.  You will need to note the starting and ending odometer readings.

Conference Registration Fees

You can get reimbursed for conference registration.


You can get reimbursed for taking a taxi on your trip.  You need a receipt when it is above a certain amount.


For lodging, you can get reimbursed based on receipts issued by the hotel


You may get reimbursed for meals for travel or for visitors. 

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