Title: Bandits and Newsvendors: Joint Online Learning and Optimization in Wireless Networks
Abstract: Algorithms for online learning and decision-making under uncertainty have become popular in recent years to improve the performance of wireless networks in unknown dynamic environments. I will give a brief overview of certain classic problem formulations such as multi-armed bandits (MAB) and newsvendor problems, talk about their applications to wireless networking, and present some recent results from my group's research in this area. These include results for decentralized MAB, combinatorial MAB, contextual MAB, multi-period newsvendors, and optimized robotic network formation in unknown environments. This talk will cover joint work with students Dr. Yi Gai, Dr. Yanting Wu, Pranav Sarkar, Parisa Mansourifard, and Shangxing Wang, and faculty collaborators Rahul Jain, Tara Javidi, and Nora Ayanian.
-- Athina Markopoulou Associate Professor, EECS University of California, Irvine